目前分類:劇本&其他 (27)

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The laughter ceased. Shaman took a serious look at the boy to see if he was telling a lie, but he seemed so confident of what he was saying. Putting both hands on the boy’s shoulders, shaman looked into the boy’s eyes and said: “Tell me what you see.”
After Sambo told him everything he saw and felt that afternoon, shaman gave it a long thought and finally came up with a conclusion. “It’s just like the wind.”

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The only thing Sambo could see in his mind now was his own grave. It was not large at all; it was totally plain, or more accurately: it was nothing more than a pile of dust. Cold and hard, shovel over shovel of dust covered his body, as if they were death itself. No, this is not what I sought after drifting over a thousand miles, Sambo almost shouted out loud, but his body had no energy left to do so. Nevertheless, the cry in his mind still roared so loud that it almost deafened him and made him tremble. “Hold it,” he told himself. “Sit put and keep on meditating. I will find a way out of it.” Relaxing his body, emptying his mind, Sambo began to recall his reason for coming to the city.
Sambo had had visions since he was young. He first found out he had such a gift during a hot summer afternoon, when his mother asked him to fetch some water from the river. Looking at the still half-full urn, Sambo, who wanted only to go out and play, thought to himself: there seems to be enough water for dinner, so I’ll just go fetch the water tomorrow. As soon as this thought arose, an image suddenly flashed into his mind: he could see someone coming for dinner that night, and since there wasn’t enough water to use, Sambo got spanked fiercely. “Ouch,” Sambo almost cried out when he got spanked in the vision. He was so shocked, because the image was so vivid that he could even feel his bottom hot as if it were being spanked. Subconsciously, frightened Sambo rubbed his bottom and, although he didn’t know what was going on, he decided to go fetch the water as he had been told.

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第一天去上Writing for performance的課,老師很年輕,看起來滿有劇場人的感覺。上起課來的感覺也滿好的。

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這是我修的一堂課的名稱,今天一上課,老師就給我們一句話,要我們由那開頭,在五分鐘內寫下一篇文章。 開頭是這樣的:There's a cell in this prison where nobody wants to go. (在這監獄裡,有間牢房是所有囚犯都不願進去的。)下面是我寫的內容: 在這監獄裡,有間牢房是所有囚犯都不願進去的。不是因為那裡又濕又冷;所有囚犯在進來後第一個禮拜內都適應了這一點,或者該說,至少生存下來的都適應了。也不是因為黑暗的關係,相較之下,那間牢房還比其他的都要亮了許多。 那間房,被稱為「生命牢房」。 那是間六面由完全平滑潔白的牆所圍起的空間,每天24小時,都有隱藏式攝影機直接將外面的影像和聲音投射到牆上。這些影像都是從很日常的地方拍來的:有時是公園、是街上、或是吵雜的餐廳...這些影像從四面八方將囚犯包圍起來,逼真得幾乎讓所有人都會認為自己也身處其中;但實際上則相反。囚犯們剛被丟進來時,都會試著要忽視這些影像;但過了幾天後,沒人可以抵抗想參與這些「真實生活」的慾望,但是當然,從沒有人可以融入其中,只能不斷在一邊旁觀他人的人生。 有人因此懷疑起自身的存在、有人總算了解自己失去了什麼,而再也不能忍受這損失,但不管原因為何,他們無一例外,最後都發瘋了。
「真正的殘酷不再於剝奪一個人的一切,而是將那人所失去的一切都放在他/她眼前,然後讓他/她了解自己再也無法擁有這些東西。」-Leo Hsieh, 2006

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  • Oct 04 Wed 2006 06:08
  • 迷宮


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