On the second day after the breakup, he started to recall what he did on the anniversary day.
It was sort of funny, he couldn’t remember anything at all even though it was just two weeks ago. Not that he was forgetful, he could remember what happened several days, even years ago, but anything related to that day was completely lost in his mind: how he spent it, who did he spend it with; he couldn’t even be sure he had spent that day or not. He wouldn’t feel strange even if this day was skipped for some reason this year. But just in case, he double checked the calendar. Hmm, that day was still printed on the calendar, he felt somewhat relieved.
The reason why he tried to remember what he did that day, was not to do something to win her back. Deep down in him, he knew that they were completely over. But still, although it may be useless even he could actually recall it, he felt like something stuck in his mind and it wouldn’t be end until he finally finds out the answer.
‘Please don’t ask me why, let’s just end it like this.’ It was the third time in the year that she told her so. They still ended up together the first two times, because they decided to give each other another chance after some long deep talk, and he never asked him why she wanted to leave. By his understanding for her, she wouldn’t tell a soul if she decided to keep something in her mind. However, maybe if he could solve the mystery of how he spent the anniversary this year, he could have understood the true reason why she left, and everything would be clear once again. Though he knew it was ridiculous himself, he couldn’t kept his mind away from such thought.
Anyway, since he had nothing to do this afternoon, so why not spend some time to find out the answer. He decided.
Open his notebook, he found it almost blank. He was never the kind of person who lived a well organized life. There were only a few phone numbers in the notebook, and the reason why those numbers ended up there was because he had no other place to write it down at the first place. Still, he picked a number written in a day closest to the anniversary and phoned it with his cell-phone. Not before long, someone picked up the phone.
‘Hey dude, haven’t seen you in ages, what’s up?’
He paused for a while, and then recognized him as his high school friend. They used to make contact on internet once and exchanged number, then lost contact again until now.
‘Nothing much, just call to say hi’. He lied to his friend. He just simply couldn’t tell the truth to someone he haven’t met for almost 6 years.
‘Ha, I see.’ His friend didn’t sound to be noticing it. ‘Hey, great timing for your call by the way, I am about to go serve in the military soon, how bout let’s call everyone and meet?’
Although he wasn’t sure about who ‘everyone’ referred to, and he knew that he probably won’t show up, he still told the second lie of this day: ’Sure, tell me when you get the date decided. Till then.’
- Jan 04 Thu 2007 01:00
The Breakup day.1