Ok, Mike, let me tell you something. I may look like an ass right now and I may be a drunker but I still know something. That is, life is meaningless indeed, but you don’t have to live it meaninglessly. You can have you own goal and definition of life. Take that kid you speak of, how do you know he hasn’t live his life to the fullest? Maybe speed and fun is all he wants, and he does gets what he wants. So who are you to judge his life?

I… I didn’t think of that.

I know you didn’t, or you won’t be here, trying to search whatever your goal of life is. That is something you can’t find anywhere else but in your heart.

They fell into silence, and then the lift suddenly moves again. It gets to the third floor and door opens, Sarah walks out without saying anything.

Wait a minutes please. So who are you?

Me? I used to have a fancy name just like you too, a decent job and a loving family… But they’re all gone now, and I’m just a dying memory left in this old building. However, if you do wanna know something more about me and about yourself, why don’t you do a free medical diagnosis for the people in this building? Some of them may need your help badly, and you can find out that whether you want to be a doctor or not. Goodnight.

Sarah vanishes into the darkness, left only Mike inside the dim-lit lift, still pressing the button, and thinking of her words.

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