
The World: A computer program installed inside of May’s mind to make her believe that she is still living a normal life, rather than under cryonics. It’s a stimulation of life in the early 21st century, in a big city such as London. The program is controlled by the doctors but also has partial artificial intelligence, so it can interact with May’s thought and will react accordingly.

May: A normal girl who lives in a future world and is suffering from an incurable disease in the reality. But mean while, she is also living in the world of 21st century with her boyfriend in her mind when she’s under the process of cryonics.

Hans: A computer program in May’s mind, co-created by the doctors and May’s subconscious. Unlike The World, Hans is not aware of the truth that he is also a program. His purpose as a program is to cease the conflict between May’s subconscious and The World. Since The World is a program designed by other people, it won’t match 100% to May’s mind, and might lead to a catastrophic outcome. After several failure trials, the doctors find out that the best way to combine both May’s mind and The World together, is a strong enough emotion — true love. So they design a program with high artificial intelligence and self-learning ability, and install it into May’s mind. This program interacts with May’s mind, and learns everything about May. It evolves, gradually transforms itself into the perfect match of May, and when the time comes, it becomes a program with personality – it becomes Hans. And in order to make his emotions real, the program erases all its memories of being a computer program, and makes up the past and the memories of Hans, making itself believes that he is really a human as well. So, as long as May loves Hans, she will believe that this world is real therefore her mind won’t reject it.

The mysterious man: The avatar of The World, served to delete the unneeded programs, and carry on the will of The World. He tries to delete Hans at first when the doctors decide to awaken May in reality, but the strong love from May to Hans keeps him undeletable. When the mysterious man find out this, he then changes the setting of The World, erases all the trace of existence of Hans in order to inflict self-doubt of Hans so it will self-destruct. But when all his attempt fails, he meet Hans in person, tell him the truth of the world and asks him to make the final choice.

The Erased: An underground city created by the people who seems to be forgotten by the society. It’s in fact a place where The World keeps the deleted programs.

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